kamipolyred.vssTEXTR*chk~ߜ/ߜ/mBINDProcedure polyred; VAR vertNum : INTEGER; i, numberOfVertexes : INTEGER; point_array : DYNARRAY[] OF POINT; polyHandle : HANDLE; pX, pY :REAL; vertexType :INTEGER; arcRadius :REAL; BEGIN numberOfVertexes := Trunc(10); ALLOCATE point_array[0..numberOfVertexes]; FOR i:= 0 TO numberOfVertexes DO BEGIN point_array[i].x := Random * 200; point_array[i].y := Random *200; Message(point_array[i].y); END; OpenPoly; FillBack(random * 55555, random * 100, random * 100); BeginPoly; FOR i:= 0 TO numberOfVertexes DO BEGIN AddPoint(point_array[i].x,point_array[i].y); END; EndPoly; polyHandle := LNewObj; vertNum := GetVertNum(polyHandle); FOR i:= 0 TO vertNum DO BEGIN GetPolylineVertex(polyHandle, i, pX, pY, vertexType , arcRadius); vertexType := Trunc(3); IF vertexType = 3 THEN arcRadius := 10; END; END; Run(polyred); LL2H Monaco/O/Oߜ/kkLL2e2MPSR ph