PROCEDURE hyper; VAR a,bx : integer; px,py: real; t: integer; nloops :integer; r,g,b : LongInt; LW : integer; BEGIN For a:= 1 To 10 DO BEGIN For bx:= 1 To 10 DO BEGIN For t:= 1 To 10 DO BEGIN px:= a/cos(t); py:= bx*tan(t); (*Arc(1000*px,1000*py,-1000*px,-1000*py,5*px,5*py);*not working) oval(1000*px,1000*py,-1000*px,-1000*py); ColorIndexToRGB(a+1,r,g,b); Penfore(r,g,b); end; END; END; Group; Duplicate(0,0); Rotatepoint(80000,80000,45); Duplicate(40000,40000); Rotatepoint(0,0,30); END; Run(hyper);