PROCEDURE thescalething; VAR i,numberofelements,quantityofobjects,result: INTEGER; elementstobescaled,h: HANDLE; px,py,lx,ly,scx,scy : REAL; r,g,b : LONGINT; BEGIN numberofelements := IntDialog('Please enter the number of elements:','?'); scx:=2; scy:=2; FOR i:=1 TO numberofelements DO BEGIN GetPt(px,py); Rect(px-1, py-1, px+1,py+1); ColorIndexToRGB(49,r,g,b); FillBack(r,g,b); END; redraw; DSelectAll; result:=IntDialog('What you would you like to do? 1:object by object scaling 2-all the object scaling:','?'); If result = 1 THEN BEGIN AlrtDialog('Please select the objects to be scaled,...'); FOR i:=1 TO numberofelements do BEGIN; GetPt(px,py); h:= PickObject(px,py); setselect (h); Scale(scx,scy); ColorIndexToRGB(36,r,g,b); SetFillBack(h,r,g,b); DSelectAll; END; REDRAW; END ELSE BEGIN quantityofobjects:=NumObj(ActLayer); h:=FActLayer; FOR i:=1 to quantityofobjects DO BEGIN; SetSelect (h); ColorIndexToRGB(36,r,g,b); SetFillBack(h,r,g,b); Scale (scx,scy); h:=NextObj(h); DSelectAll; END; REDRAW; END; REDRAW; AlrtDialog('Now we will try to align this objects to a previously selected line ,...'); AlrtDialog('PLEASE SELECT THE LOCATION OF THE LINE...'); ColorIndexToRGB(251,r,g,b); PenFore(r,g,b); GetPt(lx,ly); moveto ((lx-10000),ly); lineto ((lx+10000),ly); REDRAW; AlrtDialog('NOW MAKE A WISH...'); quantityofobjects:=NumObj(ActLayer); h:=FActLayer; FOR i:=1 to quantityofobjects DO BEGIN; GetPt(px,py); h:= PickObject(px,py); setselect (h); SetSelect (h); Hmove (h,px,ly); h:=NextObj(h); DSelectAll; REDRAW; END; END; RUN(thescalething);