TWiki . Main . GeorgVrachliotis


Georg Vrachliotis graduated from the School of Architecture, Media and Design at the Berlin University of Arts. Georg studied also at the Institute of Philosophy, Theory of Science and History of Science and Technology, at the Technical University Berlin, but completed his diploma degree in architecture. As an architect Georg gained working experience in various architectural offices. To established his interest in linking architecture to theory and history of science and technology, he collaborated with researchers from disciplines, such as history of arts, geography, mathematics, artificial intelligence, philosophy or cognitive science. As an architectural reviewer he is involved in various projects and has been visiting researcher at the University of Bremen, the University of Freiburg, and the University of California at Berkeley. leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer   Georg received several research fellowships, conference scholarships and travel grants, e.g. from the Stanford University Spring Symposium, the ETH Erich-Degen Foundation or the ETH Faculty of Architecture. Since 2003 Georg holds a position as a research associate and teaching assistant at the Chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design ETH Zurich, where he is working, teaching and publishing on architecture theory, history and theory of technology and science in architecture, as well as design theory.
Currently, he holds a position as a guest lecturer at the Department for Architecture Theory, Technical University Vienna, where he founded the research group TechnikundTheorie in 2007 together with Oliver Schürer.

ETH Zurich
Georg Vrachliotis
Faculty of Architecture
Computer-Aided Architectural Design
HIL E 15.1
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 1
8093 Zurich, Switzerland

+41 1 633 40 37 phone
+41 1 633 10 50 fax


Technical University Vienna, Department of Architecture Theory

ETH Zurich, Chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design

Research Publications

Book chapter

Conferences / in Collaboration / Consulting

Book reviews

Research Visits

Participated Seminars

Organization and Events

Research Grants

Architectural Practice


Links and Collaborations

History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich
Chair for Science Studies, ETH Zurich
Chair for History of Technology, ETH Zurich

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Zurich

Institute for History, Theory and Critisicm in Architecture and Art, MIT
Institute for History of Science and Technology, MIT
Design and Computation Group, MIT

Algorithmic Architecture, GSD Harvard
Faculty of Architecture, UC Berkeley

Institut of Cognitive Systems, University of Bremen
Center of Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg

Harvard Hellenic Society
Hellenic Student Association of MIT

----- Revision r1.114 - 06 Oct 2007 - 10:27 - GeorgVrachliotis
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