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TWiki . Admin . Mail
+++--- Checking mta in use on Red Hat and Debian

+++--- Changing to postfix/sendmail

+++--- Using postfix

The entry in canonical is needed so mail does not get sent to The entry in aliases is recommended by postfix setup. Settings myhostname is most likely unnecessary but there for completeness. mydomain is used for rewriting of outgoing mails. With standard settings of postifx only mail from will be accepted, none from available non-local interfaces. Drawback of this configuration is, that no local mail is stored and if a mail is locally sent to an account without canonical entry it will end up at

+++--- Using sendmail

-- TorstenSpindler - 24 Sep 2004

Topic Mail . { Edit | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.4 | > | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | More }

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Revision r1.2 - 23 Nov 2004 - 12:58 - TorstenSpindler
Parents: WebHome
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