TWiki . Main . SwissbauPavilion

The Swissbau-Pavilion

Closing the digital Chain



To show the potential of the "digital chain", a continuously digital process from Computer Aided Design (CAD) to Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), the chair for CAAD developed a small pavilion for the SWISSBAU trade fair in Basel. The pavilion has the form of a sphere with two metres radius and reaches a height of three metres. It is assembled from over 300 quadrilateral wooden frames, very much like a coffered dome. Every frame consists of four wooden boards standing perpendicular on the surface of the sphere, so the geometry is basically defined by a quadrilateral mesh spanned over the sphere and adapting to the floor level and the positions of the openings. This geometry was generated by an artificial-life simulation of a "growing mesh2 programmed in Java. The results of this generative design process were exported as XML-Data and then imported to the CAD package VectorWorks? by a scripted Plugin. This generated the actual geometry of every wooden board as well as the G-Code necessary to control a numerical controlled five axis mill, which was then used to produce the over 1200 parts of the pavilion.



documentation / publications


FabianScheurer - 12 Jan 2005

-- FabianScheurer - 20 Jul 2005

----- Revision r1.1 - 20 Jul 2005 - 08:48 - FabianScheurer
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